Our Contacts

Telephone :

( 39) 051 959 64 82

address :

San Giovanni In Persiceto, Via Magellano 23, Italy

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Email Us:

[email protected]


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Personalized professional consultancy

Accelerate your goal achievement with a FREE consultation

Accelerate your goal achievement with a FREE consultation

Our team of experts is waiting for you. Don't hesitate to book a FREE 15-minute consultation now and discover how you can maximize your company's growth potential and increase your turnover.

To help you grow your business internationally or place your first local order, Patson & Co offers expert advice. Schedule a 15-minute meeting with our team of specialists and you’ll see shipping become a breeze.

réserver consultation

Take advantage of our free 15-minute consultation and stimulate the development of your business.

Attract new customers worldwide

Outperform your competitors using Patson & Co.’s powerful international network. Whether you need domestic or international deliveries, parcels or pallets, we’ll find the shipping solution that best suits your needs.

Clarifying procedures


With our experience, we can make your customs formalities easier. You will be able to simplify your exports, minimize administrative procedures and reduce time. When you ship packages, our online shipping tools will help you navigate more easily between the various international customs forms.

Ensure a successful shopping experience

It is well known that the success of your business is based on the shopping experience you offer your customers. To ensure a successful and user-friendly experience for your customers using our e-commerce solutions, we recommend that you seek expert advice. This will allow you to optimize your approach and reduce cases of abandoned carts.

Make an appointment to talk about your company

Fill out the form below and a UPS expert will contact you within the next 4 business days to schedule a consultation.

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