Our Contacts

Telephone :

( 39) 051 959 64 82

address :

San Giovanni In Persiceto, Via Magellano 23, Italy

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Email Us:

[email protected]


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Household accounts

Simple. Easy. Convenient. Learn more about opening a home account with us

When you own a small business, you waste time and have countless responsibilities. Our home account program allows small business customers to benefit from more personalized service.

When you own a small business, time is tight and your responsibilities are endless. Patson & Co can help with their Private Account service. Through this service, our domiciled clients receive monthly or weekly statements for easy tracking of expenses - and simplified payment for every transaction.

We know how important it is to ensure the reliability and accuracy of internal accounting data to make good financial decisions. That's why our team uses the latest technology tools and industry best practices to provide you with accurate and up-to-date financial information. This way you can be confident that your internal accounts are professionally managed and compliant with current accounting standards.







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