Our Contacts

Telephone :

( 39) 051 959 64 82

address :

San Giovanni In Persiceto, Via Magellano 23, Italy

Phone Number:


Email Us:

[email protected]


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Google Ads

We support you in the design and optimization of your advertising campaigns, using the most recognized and widespread communication network in the world.

Google Ads Search – Local / Traffic / Lead Generation

Generating leads is an essential part of marketing. Using the Google Ads platform, we are able to attract and convert leads into customers, allowing us to define the solutions that guarantee your success.

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Social Media
Social Media

Google Ads Display – Awareness / Remarketing

Through dynamic remarketing campaigns, we show former visitors to your website personalized ads for more effective targeting. Increase visitor flows and conversion rates, strengthen customer loyalty and improve ROI.

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Google Ads Video – YouTube Views

We create video campaigns to help you reach and communicate with your audience on YouTube and through our Google video partners.

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Social Media
Social Media

Google Ads Shopping – Sales

With Google Shopping ads, we generate a higher conversion rate for your brand and products than text ads. The cost per click is much lower than these, which allows you to get a higher ROI.

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